Hello everyone! So, I have news... I went and did some Black Friday shopping. I know. Nuts, right?
Well, in a crazy ass trip (that is fully detailed here, on my other blog), I got a sewing machine (among other things)!
Why am I posting about that on my doll collection blog? Well, with this sewing machine, I'm hoping to learn to make clothes for my dolls. I've done some sewing by hand and made a few things here and there, but it just takes so damn long that I get really tired. And then when I have to do the velcro by hand, that really hurts and I swear a lot, and make myself promise never to sew anything ever again. Hopefully I'll be able to become a machine sewist and make lots of cool things. I like to change my dolls often, so being able to make my own stuff would rock.
I've already got a dress planned for my Christmas doll (who I'll tell you about in my next post), but I think my mom may want me to leave the sewing machine as a gift and not touch it, which would suck but be understandable I guess. We shall see...