Sunday, October 5, 2014

zomg fashionable new clothes!!1!

The title of this post doesn't exaggerate my excitement.  I got a bunch of cute new things from the fabulous etsy shop magoogesmusedesigns and my girls had a big fist fight to see who would model them.  Alice, McKenna, Holland (my newest doll -- the gorgeous #61) and Wendy won.  I also have a few more things yet to be modeled, but I bought most of this stuff with Holland in mind.  She's got a certain style and color palette that AG tends not to cater to.  Thank goodness for talented seamstresses!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Gonna Do Right This Time (AKA Recent Acquisitions)

Hello all!  It's been WAAAAAY too long since I've updated this blog, and for that I'm honestly sorry.  Life has been... difficult... to say the least for me, and between battling depression, anxiety, and every possible financial woe, I haven't spent much time with my doll collection, let alone added much to it.  But lately I've been finding fun in my dolls again and enjoying what I have, so I want to participate more in the collecting community... like I used to.

But just because I'm working on enjoying what I have doesn't mean I don't want more.  LOL, y'all know me better than that.

So I'm going to share the things I've gotten recently (and by recently I mean over the last several months).

First, I got a few GREAT pieces from etsy shop closet4chloe.  All three of these pieces, which are well made, versatile, and CUTE cost $29 total, shipping included... can't go wrong there.

I also got this really cute OG outfit from Target.

And a couple months back, some friends and I made a trip to AGPLA (so she could get her adorable #58, Olympia!).  Alice got a new outfit and the girls got a PWP t-shirt set to share.

I even got a new OG girl to hang out with my massive crew.

But most exciting was when Wendy and I flew to Minnesota to visit my very dear friend and we visited the AGP in the Mall of America!  We all had tea, and Wendy got a new outfit and souvenir t-shirt.